Protective Packaging for the Manufacturing Industry

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Protective packaging for the manufacturing industry

Manufacturing Protective Packaging

Edco Supply Corporation converts and supplies high-quality protective packaging for manufacturers. Our family-owned business has operated out of Brooklyn since 1954 and has locations in Canada and Ohio as well.

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The Importance of Industrial Protective Packaging

Manufacturers need to deliver functional products to the end user to maintain brand reputation, get a return on their investment and capture market share. To reach these goals, they must use reliable packaging to experience these benefits:

  • Damage protection: Protective materials keep out moisture, mold, extreme temperatures and other environmental factors to safeguard the integrity of goods. They also shield manufactured products from shocks, vibrations, punctures and corrosion.
  • Compliance: Using packaging from a compliant company can help manufacturers meet safety and environmental regulations.
  • Cost efficiency: Protective packaging can lower the possibility of damage, saving manufacturers money and maximizing their potential for returns.
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Edco is your trusted source for manufacturing packaging. Our inventory includes the following products.

Protective Packaging for Manufacturers

Our moisture-proof products shield manufactured goods from water, condensation, humidity, grease and oxygen. We offer them in open-ended and re-closable zipper designs in up to eight colors. You can purchase moisture barrier packaging in rolls or bags.

Desiccant packets absorb moisture, chemicals, carbon dioxide and carbon-12 in packages to preserve item quality. We use bentonite clay or silica gel in our desiccants and comply with the Mil-D-3464E military spec. 

Manufacturers can pair desiccants with our humidity indicator cards to determine when to change them. The card will turn from blue to pink when moisture levels rise. 

Consider our reverse tuck folding cartons if you want inner packaging to safeguard goods from physical impact. They come in 75 stock sizes, comply with the mil-spec PPP B-566 and have a 60-pound bursting strength.

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Automated assembly line for manufacturing

Why Partner With Edco for Manufacturing Protective Packaging?

Edco is a reputable supplier of protective packaging in the U.S. and beyond. For over 60 years, we have remained committed to developing and distributing high-quality products that meet the needs of the manufacturing industry.

We prioritize building lasting relationships that deliver these advantages:

  • Reliable packaging: Our professionals each average 10 years of experience creating packaging products for various industries. We understand what different manufacturers want and aim to meet those needs.
  • Peace of mind: We create compliant products to help manufacturers meet safety and environmental standards. Our team also manually inspects all packaging material before shipping to ensure it meets industry specifications.
  • Flexible services: Edco can accommodate large or small orders and take on custom projects to meet manufacturers’ unique application needs. 
  • Dependable support: Our customer service team provides ongoing support before and after shipping. We’ll answer any questions you have about a product so you can confidently make your order.

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Order Reliable Protective Packaging for Manufacturing

Edco provides a large inventory of protective packaging to suit any manufacturing business. We offer fast lead times, giving you peace of mind that you’ll receive your order on time.

Request a quote online to order your packaging products.

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